Friday, July 5, 2013

Levi's Firsts

Dan has been on vacation for the past couple of weeks so we thought we would get out and visit some places that we haven't been to since Levi was born. We went to Sea World on Monday and Levi loved it! He really enjoyed looking at all the animals and Ryan is getting really brave and going on some "big kid" rides now. Then for the 4th of July we hit up the beach with some friends. It was a little hectic getting parking and settled in, but once we did it was a lot of fun and again Levi and Ryan did great. 

 Checking out some Beluga whales

 On his first "big boy" roller coaster

 Getting dizzy on the starfish ride

 Levi loved the sand and was pretty content playing in it for most of the day

 A big hole the boys dug... why? You ask, because they're boys
 Gonna check out the waves and...

 He LOVED them. It was cool/scary to see how fearless he was.

 Even when a wave knocked him over he just laughed.

 My little beach bum

 Taking a little nap

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