Thursday, February 14, 2013

"I'm ready for my close-up, Mom."

On Monday we got the privilege of having Levi in a photo shoot for the baby company Infantino. My sister, Leslie had told me about how they were asking people to submit photos for a special shoot they were going to be doing called "Everybody Plays". It's a really neat shoot that they do because they use average babies, not models, and even include babies with special needs, such as down's syndrome. I submitted a couple pictures to them and Levi got chosen! The shoot was held at a beautiful home near San Diego. It was a lot of fun and a really neat experience. Maybe Levi will try out some more modeling in the future...

 Getting all cute

 He's ready for his close-up
 This was the place for the shoot
And here's one of the pictures they got. Keep an out for him on some Infantino toy packages this summer!

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