Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Our trip to Washington

This past week we had the opportunity to visit my parents up in Washington. It was a lot of fun and the weather was beautiful, usually in the low 70's and upper 60's, which is quite a change from California's 100 degree weather! I was pretty nervous traveling with Levi, but he and Ryan did really good and had a ton of fun with Grammy and Papa. Can't wait till we can see them again!

 Playing soccer

 We celebrated Ryan's birthday with Grammy and Papa


 Just hangin'

 One day we visited the Northwest Trek Wild Animal Park

 Having fun on the tram

 Ryan made some horns

 Bath time!

 This was at a children's museum we visited

 Looking up while crossing a bridge in Tacoma

 This is downtown Tacoma, it was really nice

 Going for a ride in Papa's trailer

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