Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ryan's 2nd Birthday Party

So this last Saturday we celebrated Ryan's 2nd birthday. His party was baseball themed, "Freeway Series: Angels vs. Dodgers". We decided to do that since I like the Angels and Dan likes the Dodgers. And since Ryan is too young to decide who he likes (although I'm pretty sure it's the Angels), we dressed him in both colors. It started out to be a beautiful day, but right about the time his party was supposed to start the rain clouds started rolling in and sure enough it started to rain! After braving it for a few minutes we decided to move everyone inside; kind of a bummer, but the rest of the party turned out pretty good. It will definately be a party to remember.

Waiting for his friends to arrive.

Such a big boy

Everyone huddled under the cover

His present from Papa and Grammy

Nice and dry inside

Party Pooper?


His present from Mom and Dad

Enjoying some cupcakes

I think he liked it

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to..."

The next day he couldn't wait to open this.

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