Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkins Please...

So this past week we went and visited the pumpkin patch. This wasn't Ryan's first trip, but let's just say it was a lot more fun than last year. We visited the petting zoo first. Ryan was a little unsure of the animals, but then warmed up to them after a little bit. It was a great time with my great family. Enjoy the pics!

A pumpkin for each of us.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ryan's First Round-up (aka birthday party)

This past Saturday was Ryan's first birthday party, can't believe our boy is already one! We did a western theme for him and I think everything went really well. Although I can't deny that it was a lot of work to throw that party, who'd of thought? Anyways, enjoy the pics, there's a lot!

Waiting for the guests to arrive

Oh, did I mention that he is starting to walk?!

Friends just hanging out

With Auntie Leslie

We played a game. It was a good concept, but bad location. Everyone got rug burns!

Opening presents, man he got a lot of toys...

Of all the toys, I think he liked this ball best. Thanks Mike and Jannae!

His first taste of sweets...

...and I think he liked it!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ryan's First Haircut

So yesterday was Ryan's first haircut. We drove down to a cute kids place in Rancho Cucamonga. He did really well too, he only cried a little when she was clipping around his ears. He looks so much older now! And that's that last he needs, since he already looks like a 3 year old...oh well. Afterwards we walked around Victoria Gardens and had some lunch. Good day indeed!


Having a good ol' time

All done!