Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Words for Wednesday

Well our little Ryan is growing so fast, he'll be 6 months in about 3 days! Half a year already, I can't believe it! He just started sitting up really well on his own, and rolls over every so often. And he is getting more handsome by the day. I can definately understand why people don't want there babies to grow up. He has already changed sooo much from like 5 months ago. I'm trying to treasure each day and not take it for granted because before I know it he won't be a baby anymore...*sigh* What a blessing God has given us.

1 comment:

  1. ok so he looks so cute!
    the first picture he's like I am sooo sweet mom- take my picture!
    the 2nd one he's like Mommmmm I am so sick of pictures!
    the 3rd one he's like look at me I am boy genius the 6 month book reader!
    the 4th one he's like GET ME OFF THIS DARN THING!!!
