Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009


Today we took Ryan to the pool for the first time. It was a pretty hot day and the water felt really nice. I was afraid Ryan might cry because the water was a little cold, but he did great. He was just kickin' back and watching the other kids splash around. It was a really fun time, I'm glad he did well, I can't wait to take him there through-out the summer.

Testing out the water

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Taking advantage of a beautiful day

Yesterday Leslie, Autumn, Ryan and myself went to the park by Leslie's house. It was such a nice day! The babes had fun swinging and playing on the blanket. It was nice to get out of the house for a little while and enjoy God's beautiful creation.

Such a model

Having fun

I love how Autumn is so into it and Ryan's like "whats up"? So chill.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wanna ride bikes?

Today we took Ryan on his first bike ride. We bought him a bike trailer and got a good deal on it too. The weather was so nice! We rode about 9 miles and Ryan didn't make a fuss once. It was really nice to get out and enjoy the beautiful day.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

He is risen!

So this Easter was pretty amazing. Not only being able to celebrate the whole basis of our religion/relationship but spending time with family is always awesome. It was a pretty busy day though, amid attending church, going to brunch, video call to the parents in Oregon, adult Easter egg hunt, trying to get Ryan in some good naps and another family BBQ, it was quite an eventful day. Come the end of the day, Ryan and I were pretty exhausted, but we all had a great time.

My little man all dressed up

Oh, and didn't we tell you he's standing now... :)

Adult Easter egg hunt

Always lookin' cute

The love of my life

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Words for Wednesday

Well our little Ryan is growing so fast, he'll be 6 months in about 3 days! Half a year already, I can't believe it! He just started sitting up really well on his own, and rolls over every so often. And he is getting more handsome by the day. I can definately understand why people don't want there babies to grow up. He has already changed sooo much from like 5 months ago. I'm trying to treasure each day and not take it for granted because before I know it he won't be a baby anymore...*sigh* What a blessing God has given us.