Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Here are some pics from Christmas day, enjoy!

 Opening presents

 I love Levi's face in this one

 He LOVES his barbell. Can you say future Rich Froning?

 Playing Twister
 I got some awesome running stuff from my sis-in-law Jacky.
 We went to my sisters house in the morning for brunch
 Gotta love jams

 That's a perfect bird right there
 And Dan is about to commit a homicide :)
 We had Dan's family over to our house for dinner.

Christmas baking

This year I made sugar cookies with the boys, well mostly Ryan :) It was a lot of fun and Ryan was a big help and he had lots of fun decorating them. He even said that making them was one of his favorite parts of Christmas! I think my favorite part was eating them...