Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Levi's 1st Birthday Party

 I did a sock monkey theme for his party

 The birthday boy

 Love her pigtails

 The kids were getting crazy, and Michael wasn't helping :-)

 He was a little unsure of the cake at first but ended up eating a little of it

Big one year old!

Knott's Berry Farm with the family

About 2 weeks ago we went to Knott's Berry Farm with my whole family. My mom and dad flew down from Washington and the kids were thrilled to see them and spend the day with them. It was a lot of fun and the weather was great!

 On our way down

 Levi with Tia Jacky


Dan won a basketball toss and won this strange stuffed animal, we gave it to Autumn and Madi since it was pink ;-)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas 2012

Okay, so I am waaaay behind on this, sorry. But here are some pics from Christmas Eve and our crazy Christmas day! Enjoy!

 Christmas Eve at my Grandma Dottie's

 Christmas morning

 Ryan asked for this present, he calls it his "wrestle buddy"

 Big boy bike!

 Levi's turn...

 Here's Levi at Uncle Loran and Tia Jacky's house

 And our last stop of the day was to Dan's aunt's house