Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Christmas!

This year we had a great, but busy Christmas. We always start off the holiday by going to my Grandma Dottie's house on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day I had my brother and sister and grandma over for breakfast and we exchanged presents. Then that afternoon we had Dan's whole family over for dinner. It was a busy but fun day and Ryan made out like a bandit, as usual :)

Playing at grandma's

Christmas morning


Testing out Ryan's new wagon

Couldn't resist :)

Opening more presents...

Cousins being silly

And the shirts would take a little time to explain... You can ask me if you're curious :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Uncle Mack's Getting Married!

A couple of days ago we were blessed to be a part of some awesome friends' wedding, Matt and Jen. Dan was asked to be the best man and Ryan was a ring bearer. It was a beautiful wedding and Ryan did AMAZING as the ring bearer on stage, he blew me away how good he did! Oh, and if you are wondering about the title, "Uncle Mack" is what Ryan calls Matt :)

My handsome boy!

Playing before the ceremony

Autumn's face is classic...

With the bride and groom

My handsome men

Dan giving his speech

Conga line!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Turkey Day in Washington

This year we were blessed enough to be able to fly up to my parent's new house in Washington for Thanksgiving. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed every minute we got to spend with my parents, hopefully we can get back up there soon. There's a lot of pictures, so enjoy!

On the airplane.

We got to visit the Seattle Children's Museum, there was tons for the kids to do there.

Grocery shopping...

Building with daddy.

This was at Pike Place fish market in Seattle, it's a huge indoor market with many different kinds of vendors.

In the jacuzzi with Papa.

Baking cookies.

Dancing at the Wii kiosk in the mall :)