Tuesday, March 15, 2011

NYC Baby!

So about a week ago I got the awesome opportunity to go to New York City and visit a friend that is staying there. I have never even been to the east coast, so I was pretty excited! I got to stay for 4 days while Dan watched Ryan for me at home. It was an amazing time and I would love to go back. Although I don't think I could live there, it's pretty crazy!

The view flying in...

I got to stay with my beautiful friend Shannen on the left and my other dear friend Melody flew in the same time as me. Here we are chilling on the subway.

This is Central Park and there were TONS of these carriages.

More Central Park...

Just chilling.

And it just so happened that my brother and his wife were in NY on business, so I got to see them too.

Just dancing in the fountain.

The buildings were amazing, here are a couple of pics.

Hailing a taxi.

This is Times Square. Pretty busy, as you can see.

My first slice of NY pizza.

Some weird guys trying to make money.

On the boat to Ellis Island.

Beautiful Lady Liberty. Although I must say it seemed a lot smaller in person.

Ellis Island

This was the hotel my brother was staying in. It's called the Waldorf Astoria, pretty fancy.

Rockefeller Center

This is the ice skating rink, although no one was one it because they were cleaning it.

Ground zero...

It really just looks like a big construction site. Part of the memorial is going to open this year on Sept. 11th.

The Museum of Natural History

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Boys will be boys

Here are a few pictures of when my mom and dad watched Ryan for a little while. And yes that's my dad and Ryan in a tree, like I said boys will be boys...