Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Beach Day

Yesterday we decided to head to the beach to escape the heat of the IE. It was really nice down there, not too hot, not too cold. Although it was overcast most of the day; it was a nice break from the heat. Ryan had a lot of fun; he was a little scared of the water at first, but he warmed up pretty quickly and loved it! It was an awesome day just spending time with my little family.

Going to check out the water.

Pound it!


I had a lot of fun playing in the sand with him, I love being able to be a kid again.


Love this picture.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th Weekend

This July 4th weekend was a busy one! On Sunday we went to The Packinghouse's picnic and had a lot of fun there. Ryan had a blast in the pools and playing with his friends. After the picnic we went home so my boys could get in some shut eye before we headed over to Michael and Jannae's to hang-out, eat and watch some fireworks. The next day, Monday, we headed over to my brother's house to swim and BBQ. It was a lot of fun; we are so blessed by the wonderful family and friends that we have in our lives. There are a lot of pics so enjoy!

Not sure what is up with Ryan's expression...

Wearing Papa's hat.

Potatoe sack race

Ryan loved this Jeep.

Can't remember the name of this game, but Ryan threw one of the balls and made it on the highest point bar!

My man.

Ready for the pool, although he wasn't so crazy about it this time.


And more wrestling.

I thought this pic was hilarious, half of us have the most random faces.

I caught Autumn right as she fell, lol!

My grandma was trying to show them how to roll down the hill.