Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Celebration

Yesterday we went to a Spring Celebration party that was put on by our HOA (nice to know our monthly fee is going to good use). It was a lot of fun and Ryan had a blast. They had a jump house, a fire truck, the Easter bunny, games and food. Here are some pics of the fun we had.

Our little engineer

They also had a guy making balloons...

And an Easter egg hunt; Ryan did so good pick them up and putting them in the bucket.

Mmm, cupcakes

It was hard to get him to look because there was so much going on.

With the Easter bunny. He was a little sceptical at first, but then we couldn't keep him away from the bunny; he kept going over to him and dancing and giving high-fives, it was adorable.

Here's a little clip for you to enjoy of Ryan dancing with the Easter bunny.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Our Little (well, maybe not so little anymore) Joy

Helping me vacuum.

Best buds.

He's got some big shoes to fill...

Eating like a big boy at the table.