Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ryan's Dedication

Two Sundays ago our little boy got dedicated, here's a few pics of the special event. Unfortunately our camera battery was dying and only got one picture, so I've had to snag pictures from other people. But a cool thing is that Ryan got dedicated with his cousin Riley, so it was a family affair!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy early Easter!

So, I know it's a little early, but I just couldn't wait to get some pics of my boy for Easter, enjoy!

He kept reaching for the bag, so I finally gave it to him at the end

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Park, please

Okay, well Ryan didn't really ask to go to the park, but we figured if he could talk he would of :) It was such a nice day yesterday, pretty hot in fact, so we decided to give Ryan his first taste of a park. Krissy and Riley came along too. It was fun, hot, but fun. And while the grown-ups were having fun, let's just say the boys were not... oh well, give it a year or two and they will be begging us to take them to the park. Anyways, despite the whining, we got some cute pics of the boys.

Getting ready to leave

Best buds

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

New bedroom...well sort of

So this past weekend we painted our bedroom, finally! We kind of redecorated it with a new comforter and decorations, but same furniture. Tom and Leslie were kind enough to come over and help too. Tom did some awesome cutting in work and Leslie helped by watching the babies. She got some cute pics of Ryan and Autumn playing. Anyways the room turned out great, well we think so...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A not-so-successful attempt

So today Ryan turns 5 months, wow! I decided to try some rice cereal today with him and see how it goes...well, lets just say he was NOT a big fan of it. I'm not sure if it's because I let him get too hungry or what, but he seemed like he wanted nothing else but his bottle. Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow, hopefully it will go better. In the mean time I got some cute pics of my little boy...

He is just waaay over it by now.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Friend

Last night Dan and I went to visit our friends, Mike and September, and bring them dinner. They just had their first child, Nathan, about 4 days ago I think. He is beautiful and what a head of hair! I know him and Ryan will be good friends one day. It's so crazy to see how much Ryan has grown since 5 months ago! All those moms are right, time does fly by; I honestly hardly remember Ryan being that small! Anyways, it was a good time and hopefully they enjoyed the meal...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun filled Saturday

So this last Saturday Dan was invited to play baseball at his old school against the current varsity team. Him and a bunch of alumni showed up to play. It was really cool to see him "in his element" since I never got to see him play sports in high school. And he did really well; he caught and played in the outfield. Unfortunately they lost to the varsity team, but only by one point, which isn't bad considering they don't practice everyday. The day was really nice, a little warm actually, I got a little sunburned :) We ended the day by eating at the Gourmet Pizza Shoppe with Tom, Leslie and Autumn, which is always awesome.

First timer

Well, my son is napping and I thought, well I'm a little bored, why not start a blog?! So here I am "blogging" I guess. Hopefully I'll keep up on it and update it often. I kinda took a hint from good ol' Jannae when she said her parents and stuff love to look at it. And since my parents live far away, this could be a great way for them to feel closer.