Sunday, December 27, 2009

Five Christmases

We had 5 Christmases this year and all of them were a blast. We started the holidays off at Dan's Aunt and Uncle's home in Anaheim Hills... P.S. There's a lot of pics, sorry, but what do you expect for 5 Christmases?

Ryan got some good toys.

But as usual, Ryan had more fun with the trash than the actual toys.

With Great-Grandpa Hanke

Then on Christmas Eve we went to my Grandma's house.

They had a blast in this box. Ryan even cried when we took him out of it!

Our third Christmas was at home on Christmas morning. We got Ryan some books, balls and...

a cape! His daddy had it made for him.

Here we are Christmas day at my brother's house with my side of the family.

They really liked their little cars, thanks Aunt Lura!

And finally we had our fifth Christmas at our house with Dan's side of the family.

My man carving the turkey.

Party in our room!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Playhouse Fun

So today was just a lazy day so we took advantage of playing with our son. We had fun playing in his little house and dancing to Weird Al Yankovich...these are the kind of days that make memories for sure.

Trying to escape


And then we all piled in.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Giving Thanks

This year we enjoyed a total of 3 Thanksgiving feasts. This was our first, although Dan couldn't join us, we went to my Aunt Steph's house for brunch on Thanksgiving day. Here's the kiddos chowing down...

Looking cute, as usual.

My handsome boy.

For our second Thanksgiving we went to my grandma's that night, but didn't take any pictures. And for our last one we went to Dan's aunt's house the next evening for more turkey and fixings!

Jeffery put on a really small jacket...."Fat guy in a little coat..."

And then he couldn't get it off so everyone was torchering him...
~All in all it was a great couple of days and I couldn't be more thankful for the life I've been given.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009


So for Halloween we went to Calvary's Hallelujah Party. It was a lot of fun, and good weather too; not too cold. The kiddos had a blast and all looked sooo cute.

Here's our little man as a frog.

And now he's getting attacked by a bunny!

Ryan's first pony ride.

Attempting to play a game...

I think frogs eat bees...